Is it better to live as a monster, or die as a hero?
Well, in my opinion, if you live and grow to see yourself become a "monster" you will probably never live to see yourself be a hero. I am a big believer that people can turn their lives around and end up doing wonderful things, but it is hard to say whether or not they are able to change who they are deep down in the core. Theoretically let's say we have someone who goes to jail for killing their family. They then proceed to purposefully die to donate their organs to a child in need of a transplant. We are then weighing the lives of the mans family versus the life of the child in the hospital. The man who killed his family will always be a bad man in his heart, he just did a good action in the end. He did not die a hero. But did he live as a monster than? This argument also has a flaw because the world is not split up into good people and bad people. There is good in bad in all of us, in the end it just depends on what outweighs the other more. Maybe there is a tiny scale in all of our hearts that is collecting the good and bad things we all do. Whichever direction the scale leans more heavily towards is a good determinant on the values of the person.
If you are pondering which shoe to buy next, look no further. For I am about to tell you the greatest shoe that has ever reached the earth and is represented by the gods.
I'm talking about Birkenstocks. If you haven't heard of them, you are dumb. These beautiful sandals should be sported in all types of weather especially winter. HOLD ON LIZ! SANDALS IN THE WINTER!! Why yes fellow reader. Sandals in the winter. Slap those bad boys on with a pair of patterned animal socks on underneath (I prefer long socks with these shoes) and you will not only have amazing style, but every bit of your arches on your foot will be perfectly molded and sculpted ensuring that you have no pain. Birkenstocks are the concerned mother of shoes The coat that you wear when it is cold outside the antidepressants of... ok you get it they're really nice shoes. If this does not convince you to buy these shoes then please never visit my website again. This has been opinions by Liz pls come back more for facts and no fake news |
Here are my opinionsI hope I don't make too many people mad. ArchivesCategories |